Unnamed Prophet
Told King Amaziah of Judah that worshiping the idols of the defeated Edomites would result in his destruction.
Told King Amaziah of Judah that worshiping the idols of the defeated Edomites would result in his destruction.
Told King Amaziah of Judah not to hire mercenaries from Israel, “for the Lord is not with Israel.”
Contemporary of Jeremiah, murdered by the king for prophesying against Jerusalem
Prophet to the young King Joash, who stoned him to death.
False prophet who tells King Ahab to go to war.
Prophesies that Jehoshaphat and Ahab will lose in a war against Syria (spoiler: they do). Never has anything good to say about Ahab.
Challenged King Asa of Judah when Asa sent Temple treasures to Ben-Hadad of Syria for an alliance rather than trusting God as he had in the past.
Counseled King Asa of Judah to enact religious reforms. Asa listens, and then doesn’t listen.
Prophesied that Jeroboam would become the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel. Also prophesied the death of everyone in Jeroboam’s family.
Warned Rehoboam not to invade Israel.
Recorded the reigns of Solomon, Rehoboam, and Abijah; possibly Zechariah’s grandfather.